Media Literacy - for Rotarians and Communities 媒體素養學 - 扶輪社友和社區的基本功

Media Literacy - for Rotarians and Communities 媒體素養學 - 扶輪社友和社區的基本功
07.01.2010 Thursday, Taoyuan, Taiwan, by PP Language

November 6, for Rotary Club of Taoyuan, RI District 3500 is the charter anniversary day, and for Canada, and falls in Canada’s Media Literacy Week, hence is meaningful for both the members of Rotary Club of Taoyuan and all Canadians including the youth.

It is this happy coincidence that brings the writer as a Rotary Club’s Rotary Information Committee chair to start and run a website by blogging for advocating and promoting the Media Literacy Education.

"十一月六日" 對於桃園扶輪社全體社友而言是個隆重喜慶的日子"創社授證週年慶典"; 同時對於加拿大全體國民,包括青少年,而言是每年一度的"媒體素養提昇週" 的最後一天,豐收天.

對於筆者身為扶輪社扶輪知識主委而言,這倒是一個美妙巧合機緣,激發筆者勇於創辦經營一個網站,以部落格方式刊出方式,來推廣促進 媒體素養訓練.

Another happy coincidence is that Media Literacy Week was conceived in 2006 - the Rotary Year 2006-2007 during which the writer acted as the president for Rotary Club of Taoyuan, under RI theme "Lead the way" and was celebrating the 45th Anniversary of Rotary Club of Taoyuan - a gorgeous year - with the events and ceremony comparable to the District Conference.
These good lucks drive the writer to reward Rotary International, all Rotarians and the communities by starting and running RIT - Rotary Information Taiwan website for both Rotary Information (or Rotary Literacy) and Media Literacy.

另外值得一提的是: 加拿大"媒體素養提昇週" 首創於2006年,也就是扶輪2006-2007年度,
筆者三生有幸榮任桃園扶輪社社長,於國際扶輪年度主題 "帶頭前進"啟迪之下,夥同全體社友舉辦"創社授證45週年慶" 系列活動與慶典,盛況有若地區年會.

感念這些幸運巧合,筆者乃全力以赴以辦好本RIT網站,以求回報國際扶輪,扶輪社友以及社區民眾; 本網站不僅提供"扶輪知識(扶輪素養)" 也提供"媒體素養"資料及資訊,希望能為扶輪及台灣略盡薄綿心意.