2010年6月21日 星期一

30-50-001社長位置很難坐 Sitting in Club President’s seat was no laughing matter

30-50-001社長位置很難坐 Sitting in Club President’s seat was no laughing matter
[30-50 扶輪人幽默小品 A Rotarian with A Sense of Humor]

Eureka! I just experienced that sitting in Club President’s seat was no laughing matter.
Wanna get a clear picture? Well, the chair was placed right in front of where two tables met and I was forced to put my thighs far apart to accommodate the closely neighboring table legs.
Struggling to stay in that posture for an hour was nothing less than a torture at all. So, be aware of where the seat is before being seated next time. Eureka is my comment to this experience.

- story told by PAPER, P.E.(President Elect) who was practicing to serve as the club president and chair for the regular meeting held on June 18, 2010 (in Fullon Hotel, Taoyuan City, 12:00 to 14:00 Friday,)

以前聽說社長難做 (難為),社長位置難坐,老是搞不清楚為什麼。
坐上這位置只好張開兩腿閃避兩支桌子腿,一路硬撐下來大嘆 “社長位置果然難坐”。今天終於領教到了。

- 幽默真實故事,由桃園扶輪社例會主席、實習社長、Paper社長當選人於例會結束前的妙語妙喻,果然有幽默概念喔。

