2010年6月30日 星期三

20 00 50-002 Rotary Family Committee Chair Stone to Celebrate Rtn Silver's Birthday 扶輪家庭主委訪社友Silver慶生

Rotary Family Committee Chair Stone to Celebrate Rtn Silver's Birthday 扶輪家庭主委訪社友Silver慶生

PP Stone, our club's Rotary Family Committee Chair, planned to kick off "Rotarian Birthday Celebration Visit" which he announced earlier.

桃園社前社長Stone黃世東,本年度扶輪家庭主委,打算 "搶頭香" 首開紀錄,甫上任就開拔展開 "社友生日親訪慶生" 親善之旅,兌現他稍早在社務行政會議的宣告.

Rotarian Silver, the son of our club's charter member, late PP Silver, who joined our club in August 2006, expects his birthday party in his luxury home today (July 1, 2001) at 20:00. PP Stone RFC Chair will lead several members of ours to pay a formal visit and bring birthday cake and birthday song over there.

社友Silver徐彥郎是本社創社社友故PP Silver徐銀格之公子,於2006年8月加入本社, 篤定於今晚8:00於其豪宅(xx 貝多芬)慶生.Stone 扶輪家庭主委會率領幾位社友前往,做正式拜訪並送上生日蛋糕並唱生日快樂.

Well, a happy surprise to me (the writer), I am invited to join this touching event on this very first day of the new Rotary Year 2010-2011. It's my year this year, why? Rtn. Silver was my classmate at elementary school firstly, then he joined our club during my office as club president, and thirdly he's gonna play the role as Attendance Committee Chair this year - it is a key role for both retention of members and even for helping recruitment of new members.

對筆者而言,又是驚喜一樁,居然受邀參與這2010-2011扶輪年度第一天的溫馨活動.看起來今年好運來不停! 怎麼說? 其一Silver社友是筆者小學同窗,其次他於筆者任職社長年度開始即欣然應邀入社,其三今年度他擔任出席主委, 這是何等關鍵性角色,社員數的維持及新社員的招募都舉足輕重.

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Silver! And that's what I gonna sing this evening before him.

那麼,先向Silver賀一聲生日快樂! 而且這不就是今晚我要親自在他面前高唱的慶生歌嗎?

20 20-50-001 2010-2011 Installation of President Paper, Directors, & Officers 桃園扶輪社第50屆(2010~2011年度)社長暨職員就職典禮邀請

2010-2011 Installation of President Paper, Directors, & Officers
The 50th Year of Rotary Club of Taoyuan

Event: Installation Ceremony and Banquet
Date: July 2, 2010 at 17:50 – July 2, 2010 at 22:00
Location: 1F Hotel Taipei Novotel at TIA (Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport)
(View Map)
Join us for the installation of President Paper, Directors and Officers.
Rotarians: Wear 2010-2011 Rotary tie and Theme pin.
Rotary Anns: Wear 2010-2011 Rotary scarf or Ribbon/Broach
(Tie, pin, scarf and broach available at event site as well)
You are cordially invited to join us.

Rotarianly Yours,
Club President: Paper Club First Lady: Steph

7月2日(星期五) 下午5:30
恭請 蒞臨指導
※ 社友請記得佩戴新年度領帶、年度口號章
傅冠群(Paper) & 汪小芬(Steph) 敬邀

00 00-003 Media Literacy - for Rotarians and Communities 媒體素養學 - 扶輪社友和社區的基本功

Media Literacy - for Rotarians and Communities 媒體素養學 - 扶輪社友和社區的基本功07.01.2010 Thursday, Taoyuan, Taiwan, by PP Language
RIT > OO RIT News 園地新聞 > 00 00 Overview 摘要 > 00 00-003 Media Literacy 媒體素養學

November 6, for Rotary Club of Taoyuan, RI District 3500 is the charter anniversary day, and for Canada, and falls in Canada’s Media Literacy Week, hence is meaningful for both the members of Rotary Club of Taoyuan and all Canadians including the youth.

It is this happy coincidence that brings the writer as a Rotary Club’s Rotary Information Committee chair to start and run a website by blogging for advocating and promoting the Media Literacy Education.

"十一月六日" 對於桃園扶輪社全體社友而言是個隆重喜慶的日子"創社授證週年慶典"; 同時對於加拿大全體國民,包括青少年,而言是每年一度的"媒體素養提昇週" 的最後一天,豐收天.

對於筆者身為扶輪社扶輪知識主委而言,這倒是一個美妙巧合機緣,激發筆者勇於創辦經營一個網站,以部落格方式刊出方式,來推廣促進 媒體素養訓練.

Another happy coincidence is that Media Literacy Week was conceived in 2006 - the Rotary Year 2006-2007 during which the writer acted as the president for Rotary Club of Taoyuan, under RI theme "Lead the way" and was celebrating the 45th Anniversary of Rotary Club of Taoyuan - a gorgeous year - with the events and ceremony comparable to the District Conference. What's more is that in June 2007 we also sponsored a new club "Rotary Club of Taoyuan Northwest" as a monumentum event for our club's 45th Anniversary - for the new club, PGD Archi was appointed as RI 3500 District Govenor's Special Representative. The new club is not only new but unique - that rewrites the history of RI in developing new clubs.

These good lucks drive the writer to reward Rotary International, all Rotarians and the communities by starting and running RIT - Rotary Information Taiwan website for both Rotary Information (or Rotary Literacy) and Media Literacy.

另外值得一提的是: 加拿大"媒體素養提昇週" 首創於2006年,也就是扶輪2006-2007年度,
筆者三生有幸榮任桃園扶輪社社長,於國際扶輪年度主題 "帶頭前進"啟迪之下,夥同全體社友舉辦"桃園扶輪社創社授證45週年慶" 系列活動與慶典,盛況有若地區年會.
更值得一提的是: 於同年2006年6月桃園社輔導成立 桃園西北扶輪社, 作為創社授證45週年慶紀念事業.
西北社不只是新社,更是扶輪有史以來獨具風格的嶄新扶輪社,有褓姆, 3500地區總監特別代表PGD Archi(前地區總監許勝傑)加持,其獨樹一幟特質改寫扶輪發展史.

感念這些幸運巧合,筆者乃全力以赴以辦好本RIT網站,以求回報國際扶輪,扶輪社友以及社區民眾; 本網站不僅提供"扶輪知識(扶輪素養)" 也提供"媒體素養"資料及資訊,希望能為扶輪及台灣略盡薄綿心意.

2010年6月29日 星期二

00 00-011 Rotary Emblem Logo 扶輪徽章標誌

Rotary Emblem Logo 扶輪徽章標誌
RIT > 00 RIT News 園地新聞 > 00 00 Overview 摘要 > 00 00-011 報導

Rotary Emblem Logo 扶輪徽章標誌

The present emblem, 24 cogs and six spokes, was adopted in 1923. A keyway was added to signify usefulness. An official description of the emblem was adopted at the 1929 International Convention.

我們今天見到的扶輪徽章,有24個輪齒6支輪輻,於1923年採用. 後來,軸心多加上一個鑰匙槽溝,用來象徵其功能性十足. 此一徽章的正式意義說明於1929年國際扶輪年會宣告正式採用.
[Downloaded from RI Website for noncommercial use -下載自國際扶輪網站, 非商業營利用途]

00 00-001 Paul P. Harris - Founder of Rotary保羅哈里斯 扶輪創辦人

Paul P. Harris - Founder of Rotary保羅哈里斯 扶輪創辦人
compiled by P.P. Language, RC of Taoyuan,RI D3500
RIT > 00 RIT News 園地新聞 > 00 00 Overview 摘要 > 00 00-001 報導


Paul Harris, circa 1915
Appeared in "The Rotarian," February 1915, May 1938, and February 1945

保羅哈里斯 攝於1915年
出現於 "扶輪月刊" 1915二月號, 1938五月號, 及1945二月號

Paul Harris organized the first Rotary club in Chicago in 1905.
保羅哈里斯 於1905年於美國芝加哥開創第一個扶輪社.

[下載自國際扶輪網站, 非商業營利用途]

2010年6月28日 星期一

10 10-001 Rotary clubs to get 'bigger, better, and bolder' 扶輪社都要能 “更大,更好,更有膽識”

Rotary clubs to get 'bigger, better, and bolder' 扶輪社都要能 “更大,更好,更有膽識”RIT > 10 R.I.國際扶輪 > 10 10 Goals 目標 > 10 10-001

Klinginsmith asks Rotary clubs to get 'bigger, better, and bolder'
By Arnold R. Grahl
Rotary International News – 23 June 2010

柯林根史密斯Klinginsmith 要求所有扶輪社都要能 “更大,更好,更有膽識”
報導:阿諾德 葛拉耳
國際扶輪新聞 - 2010年6月23日訊

As the 2010 RI Convention in Montréal, Québec, Canada, drew to a close on 23 June, RI President-elect Ray Klinginsmith outlined his plans for his term, which begins 1 July.
Participants also got a preview of next year’s big event in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, where the Host Organization Committee has planned fun for the whole family.

Klinginsmith will ask Rotarians to apply "cowboy logic" and make Rotary clubs "bigger, better, and bolder."
The fundamental principles of cowboy logic are taking pride in your work, talking less and saying more, doing what has to be done, and remembering that some things just aren’t for sale, he explained during the closing plenary session.

2010年RI Convention國際扶輪年會,於加拿大魁北克省蒙特利爾召開,於6 月 23 日閉幕,國際扶輪社長當選人柯林根史密斯,概要介紹他任期之各項計畫,任期將於 7 月 1 日開始。


新年度柯林根史密斯Klinginsmith 會要求扶輪社友運用「Cowboy Logic牛仔式邏輯思考」,並要求所有扶輪社都能 “更大,更好,更有膽識。”

「Cowboy Logic牛仔式邏輯思考」之基本原則在於:為自己的工作感到自豪,少空談多說明,做必須完成的事,並且切記某些事情其實是沒有商榷餘地的,一點斤兩都不能短少。他在閉幕會議上詳加說明。

Summary from RI homepage.
摘錄自國際扶輪網站首頁,PP Language摘譯

2010年6月27日 星期日

30 30-001a In Red and Black - Magnificent and Formal 紅"水" 烏(黑) "大扮" (Ang "Sui" Aw "Duaban")

RIT > 30 Rtn+Family 扶輪人 > 30 30 Club Level 本社消息 > 30 30-001a 文章序號

In Red and Black - Magnificent and Formal 紅"水" 烏(黑) "大扮" (Ang "Sui" Aw "Duaban")

In Red and Black - Magnificent and Formal 紅"水" 烏(黑) "大扮" (Ang "Sui" Aw "Duaban")

[Hi, I'm Paper. I gonna be with you for quite a while.]

30 30-001 Rotary Anns! Are you ready? 桃園社寶眷們 "預備齊" OK!

RIT > 30 Rtn+Family 扶輪人 > 30 30 Club Level 本社消息 > 30 30-001 文章序號

[Hi, I'm Stephennie. Let's share every minute togather!]
Rotary Anns! Are you ready?
YA. We are ready.
Ready for Rotary Year 2010 - 2011.
The clock is ticking now!

桃園社寶眷們 "預-備-齊-" OK!
好哇! "預-備-齊-!"

2010年6月26日 星期六

00 00-001 For all Rotarians Rotary Information is the Sunlight 扶輪知識是所有扶輪人所需的陽光

For all Rotarians Rotary Information is the Sunlight 扶輪知識是所有扶輪人所需的陽光

[Left - Planters under sunlight有陽光; Right - Planters without sunlight缺陽光]

Take a close look at this photo - it best illustrates the reason why.

這張照片舉出最佳理由, 仔細看清楚!

2010年6月25日 星期五

00 10-001d Countdown to Rotary Year 2010-2011 [2010-2011扶輪年度倒數計時]

Countdown to Rotary Year 2010-2011 [2010-2011扶輪年度倒數計時]

Countdown to Rotary Year 2010-2011 [2010-2011扶輪年度倒數計時]

Today: June 25, 2010, Friday --- Countdown: 6 days

今天: 2010年06月25日 星期五 --- 倒數計時: 剩6天

2010年6月24日 星期四

20 50-002 President Steve’s last day as 2009-2010 President社長Steve主持任內最後一次例會(2440次)

President Steve’s last day (12:00PM June 25, Friday) as 2009-2010 President

President Steve will speak.
This will be Steve Yang's last day as 2009-2010 President.

Come join him as he gives a summary of his Rotary year and when he will also be honoring some outstanding members of the club for their great work!

Attend timely! Thank you.




00 10-001b Countdown to Rotary Year 2010-2011 [2010-2011扶輪年度倒數計時]

Countdown to Rotary Year 2010-2011 [2010-2011扶輪年度倒數計時]
Countdown to Rotary Year 2010-2011 [2010-2011扶輪年度倒數計時]

Today: June 24, 2010, Thursday --- Countdown: 7 days

今天: 2010年06月24日 星期四 --- 倒數計時: 剩7天

2010年6月23日 星期三

02 50-001 Installation Meeting of “2010-2011 Club President and Officers 第50屆社長暨職員就職典禮

02 50-001 Installation Meeting of “2010-2011 Club President and Officers

02 50 Event Profile
02 50-001 Regular Meeting # 2441 “Program Forecast”Theme: Installation Meeting of “2010-2011 Club President and Officers”
Time: July 02, 2010, Friday
Schedule: 17:30 Registration & Reception; 18:00 Opening of Installation ceremony; 19:00 Dinner Party
Location: NOVOTEL TAIPEI Taoyuan International Airport (1st Floor)

2010-2011 President PAPER already sent Invitation Letter on behalf of all Rotarians of R.C. Taoyuan

桃園扶輪社 第2441次例會節目預告
活動: 17:30 註冊聯誼
18:00 典禮開始
19:00 餐敘

2010-2011 社長 PAPER傅冠群 已代表全體社友送出邀請函

00 10-001a Countdown to Rotary Year 2010-2011 [2010-2011扶輪年度倒數計時]

Countdown to Rotary Year 2010-2011 [2010-2011扶輪年度倒數計時]

Today: June 23, 2010, Wed --- Countdown: 8 days

今天: 2010年06月23日 星期三 --- 倒數計時: 剩8天

2010年6月21日 星期一

30-50-001社長位置很難坐 Sitting in Club President’s seat was no laughing matter

30-50-001社長位置很難坐 Sitting in Club President’s seat was no laughing matter
[30-50 扶輪人幽默小品 A Rotarian with A Sense of Humor]

Eureka! I just experienced that sitting in Club President’s seat was no laughing matter.
Wanna get a clear picture? Well, the chair was placed right in front of where two tables met and I was forced to put my thighs far apart to accommodate the closely neighboring table legs.
Struggling to stay in that posture for an hour was nothing less than a torture at all. So, be aware of where the seat is before being seated next time. Eureka is my comment to this experience.

- story told by PAPER, P.E.(President Elect) who was practicing to serve as the club president and chair for the regular meeting held on June 18, 2010 (in Fullon Hotel, Taoyuan City, 12:00 to 14:00 Friday,)

以前聽說社長難做 (難為),社長位置難坐,老是搞不清楚為什麼。
坐上這位置只好張開兩腿閃避兩支桌子腿,一路硬撐下來大嘆 “社長位置果然難坐”。今天終於領教到了。

- 幽默真實故事,由桃園扶輪社例會主席、實習社長、Paper社長當選人於例會結束前的妙語妙喻,果然有幽默概念喔。

2010年6月15日 星期二

10 11-01 國際扶輪網站www.rotary.org導讀 A Bilingual Guide to Rotary Org Website

10 11 國際扶輪網站www.rotary.org導讀
A Bilingual Guide to Rotary Org Website

<本導讀由P.P. Language擔任主編、由 ”Gemini Language Service菁穎翻譯社” 翻譯團隊免費提供翻譯編輯服務、歡迎拷貝複製;唯可能視需要隨時更新、恕不另通知。>

網站名稱Rotary International 國際扶輪
The Rotary Foundation 扶輪基金會
本網站版權屬於 “Rotary International 國際扶輪” 所有

領域標題[About Us扶輪簡介] [Contribute捐獻] [Service and Fellowship服務與聯誼]
[Students and Youth學生與青少年] [Members社員] [Media and News媒體與新聞]


這是The Rotarian月刊摘要專欄 2010年6月號主要介紹 “國際扶輪第五屆年度攝影大賽The Fifth Annual Photo Contest” 成果;總共收錄500餘幅照片,你可以點按 [Photo照片] 即可進入欣賞。點按 [Kick Polio踢除小兒麻痺症] 即可閱讀國際扶輪在消除小兒麻痺計劃方面最新成果。
點按 [Historic Moments扶輪歷史里程碑] 即可閱讀國際扶輪有那些刷新歷史的新事蹟新紀錄。

[News扶輪新聞] [Announcements公告事項] [Highlights精彩報導]

最底部各部份[Select a language選擇你要的語文]
這就是為何 ”RIT扶輪知識園地” 提供本 國際扶輪網站www.rotary.org導讀 的主要理由。

[Contact Us與我們聯繫]
點按此處、即可一目瞭然、立即知道如何聯繫Rotary International 國際扶輪各部門,包括地址、電話、電子信箱等。
稱之為 國際扶輪網站www.rotary.org 捷運系統並不為過,可以引導你迅速準確到達所需資料的窗口。

導讀 第一頁

20 01 [RCTY桃園社] 2010-2011社長 來函照登 Message from 2010-2011 President Paper

2010-2011社長Paper 來函照登 Message from 2010-2011 President Paper

Dear PP Language,

WOW is all I can say for now!

Thank you very much for the huge effort, it’ll definitely benefit lots of Rotarians!

I’ll pass it to Realty so he can add the connection to the TYRC website http://www.tyrc.org.tw/!



P.P. Language 您好!
"WOW 哇!" 看到RIT扶輪知識園地網站起步, 我一時只能這樣形容我的感受!
感謝你用心良苦, 相信此網站會讓廣大扶輪社友們獲益.
我會轉告網站委員會主委Realty呂理賢社友,以便他能將RIT扶輪知識園地網站 連結到 桃園扶輪社網站http://www.tyrc.org.tw/!

Paper 傅冠群

註: 中文係Language翻譯, 請指教!

010-01 RIT Sitemape 扶輪知識園地 網站地圖

010-01 RIT Sitemape 扶輪知識園地 網站地圖

RIT - Rotary Information Taiwan - falls into 3 divisions:
10 Rotary International
20 Rotary Club of Taoyuan
30 Rotarians & Families

Every article released always carries its division code before the article title or headline, for example 10 What is Rotary Internation, 20 When was Rotary Club of Taoyuan founded, or 30 Who is Rotarian Paper.

This is just Tier 1 of the Sitemap, and we will go further shortly.

Contact: rotaryinfotw@yahoo.com, or cell phone 0933 778 337 Language

扶輪知識園地 包含三大領域:
10 RI 國際扶輪園區
20 RCTY 桃園扶輪社園區
30 R&F 扶輪社友及寶眷園區

每篇文章發表時, 其標題前面一定會標示領域區分代碼; 例如: 10 國際扶輪簡介, 20 桃園扶輪社創立簡史, 30 這就是扶輪社友Paper.

這就是扶輪知識園地 網站地圖 第一階層簡介, 近期將進一步介紹第二第三階層, 敬請期待.

電子信箱 rotaryinfotw@yahoo.com, 行動電話0933 778 337 Language "咱貴姓"

2010年6月14日 星期一

2010-2011 Rotary Information Taiwan to Kick Off "扶輪知識園地" 開張

2010-2011 Rotary Information Taiwan to Kick Off "扶輪知識園地" 即將開張

This site is created and managed by 2010-2010 Rotary Information Committee, Rotary Club of Taoyuan, District 3500, R.I., a very first Rotary Information team led by the Committee Chair, P.P. Language (Vincent Lu) under authorization of Club President - Paper (Kuan-Chun Fu).

This site is to publish Rotary Information from the basics to the more insightful knowledge and information about What Rotary Club Is, What a Rotarian Is, What Rotary International Is, and more, monthly. However, weekly update is possible.

At ROTARY INFORMATION TAIWAN 扶輪知識園地 we welcome your visit anytime around the clock year round. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Contact: rotaryinfotw@yahoo.com, or cell phone 0933 778 337 Language

本網站由國際扶輪3500地區桃園扶輪社2010-2011扶輪知識委員會提供刊出. 本扶輪知識團隊為全台首創,感謝2010-2011社長Paper傅冠群先生充分授權,支持本扶輪知識團隊由年度扶輪知識主委P.P. Language呂光旭前社長夥同全體委員群策群力,提供扶輪知識服務.

本扶輪知識網預期刊載扶輪知識Rotary Information, 內容由淺入深,包括由基本須知起,至較為深入微妙精義為止之扶輪常識,知識,訊息,每月刊出一次. 但視需要及情況許可, 可能每週更新增刊最新消息一次.

扶輪知識園地天天二十四小時一年四季十二個月五十二週隨時歡迎光臨,閱覽,指教. 由衷感謝您!

歡迎洽詢: 電子信箱rotaryinfotw@yahoo.com 或行動電話 0933 778 337 Language "咱貴姓"